Have you been searching for your favorite designer perfume and just can’t bring yourself to spend the money it costs for them? Have you also tried some replica versions of those designer perfumes and only to be completely let down? In most cases, you have!

Bichaé makes designer fragrance copies with identical fragrance notes and scent to the designer fragrances that they’re inspired by. The great thing about Bichaé Parfums is that you get the same fragrance but without the designer price tag attached to the bottle.

With Bichae Parfums, you pay for what's inside the bottle and get the same product quality without the designer price-tag. Bichae Parfums last for 8 to 14 hours after application and in some products even more without the need for topping up during the day.

Bichaé have over 100 fragrances inspired by top designers for both men and women. Bichae has one mission and that is to bring some of the best designer fragrance in our high streets to the reach of everybody without the high designer price tag. So stop wasting money by spending hundreds of pounds on those same designer label fragrances as all you’re doing is paying for the name on the bottle. Bichae offers the best alternatives of those designer fragrances at a fraction of the cost.

At Bichaé Parfum, we believe that you shouldn’t have to sacrifice spending your hard earned money on designer fragrances that you know and love. This is why we created the best copy perfumes that you can find on the market. We stand by our fragrances so much that we offer five complimentary Bichae Parfums samples of your choice with every order. Which designer fragrance house will do that? Let alone which retailer will offer you more than a simple fragrance card to take home with you? Being able to try out a new perfume is important because your body’s chemistry may react to the scent differently over time wearing it. What one perfume smells like on you when you spray it on in the store can be entirely different to what it smells like as you wear it more throughout the day. This is why with Bichaé Parfums, you get the ability to try out up to five new fragrances with each order you place. So, if you’re feeling like changing things up, or doing a little something different one night out, you have that option with our complimentary samples offer to all our customers.

If you’re wanting to order a gift for a loved one, Bichaé offers personalized messages that can be included with each box of our replica designer perfumes. They are a great way to send love and hugs from afar, and even just as awesome, is that your loved one receives an alternative designer fragrances that they know and love.

Each of our parfums comes in a beautiful and luxurious packaging that will give the designer name brand feel of your favorite fragrance. Anyone that buys our best copy perfumes quickly discovers for themselves how our designer fragrance copies smell just like the designers they’re inspired by. When you’re out and about in town, no one will know the difference between TF Metal-lique and Bichaé Parfum Number 13 inspired by the TF Metal-lique.